R. H. Bell Memorial R.B.P. 267 unfurl new banner


New banner is unfurled as crowds flock to Orange Hall ceremony

The members of R.H. Bell Memorial RBP No 267 will parade behind a new banner at Scarva this year.

The new banner was unfurled and dedicated at Kilmoriarty Orange Hall on Friday night, at a ceremony attended by over 100 people.

The banner was unfurled by Mr Ben Partridge, a leading member of the preceptory, and it was dedicated by the Rev, William Adair, rector of St Columba's Parish Church.

Portadown District Master, Mr Robert Wallace, said it was fitting that the new banner carries the portrait of Mr R H Bell who, he said, had been a leading officer of Portadown District.

He said that since its formation in 1938, the Kilmoriarty preceptory had played a leading role in Portadown District affairs, and he was confident it would continue to do so.

Scripture reading was by the preceptory chaplain, Mr Reginald Tedford, and a vole of thanks to all involved in the ceremony was pro posed by Mr Ian Freeburn, worshipful master.

Most Portadown District officers, including immediate past District Master, Mr Jim Hewitt, were among the guests.

Following the ceremony, the new banner was paraded from Kilmoriarty Orange Hall to West Street roundabout and back 10 the hall, where supper was provided.

The parade was headed by Pride of The Birches Band, and a Colour Party provided by Portadown Ex-Servicemens' RBP No 326. - Portadown Times 16th May 2008