News Paper Reports - 1948

Royal Black Warrant Instituted at Bocombra

A new warrant issued by the Imperial Grand Black Chapter of the British Commonwealth was formally instituted at Bocombra near Portadown on Friday evening.

The ceremony was carried out by the members of Portadown District Royal Black Chapter No. 5, with Sir Knt Alex Adair, D.M., Portadown, and C.G.M. of Armagh , presiding, and Sir Knt, D. England, D.D.M., in the deputy chair. Others in attendance included Sir Knt, G. S. Cooke, D. and C.G.R.

The officers-elect, headed by Sir Knt J. Fletcher, W.M., and Sir Knt J. Metcalfe, D.M., were presented by Sir Knts, J. J. Bell, D.G.M.L., and I.D.G.T., and J. Hobson.

Sir Knt Bell, replying to the toast of ‘The Grand Black Chapter,' pointed out that this was the 17 th Preceptory now functioning in the Portadown District. He re-called that the warrant was issued in 1870 to Huron, Goderich, W. Ontario , Canada , and at first worked under the title ‘Victory'. In 1901 the title was amended to ‘ Victoria ,' and in 1904 the warrant was taken to the city of Lucknow , also in West Ontario . Forty-two years later it was returned to I.G.B.C. headquaters for cancellation.

The toasts of the ‘The District Chapter' were replied to by Sir Knts Adair, Cooke and W. H. Wolsey, J.P., and that of ‘The Borough of Portadown' by the Mayor (Sir Knt Councillor E. McCann). 27 th November 1948

“Star of Peace” at Bocombra - New Royal Black Preceptory Warrant which came from Canada

A new Preceptory of the Royal Black Institution, Star of Peace No. 315 was instituted at Bocombra on Friday night by Sir Knt Alex Adair, G.C., County Grand Master , of Portadown.

There was a fine representation of Preceptories in Portadown District and adjoining Districts.

At the installation of the new officers Sir Knt D. England, D.D.M., was in the vice-chair; Sir Knt G. Shaw Cooke, C.G.R., D. Registrar; acted at registrar, and Sir Knts Joshua Bell, D.I.G.M., and J.J. Hobson as deacons, Sir Knt W. H. Wolsey, J.P., acted as chaplain.

The officers of the new Preceptory are: W.M., Thomas James Fletcher; D.M. John Metcalfe; Chaplain, Wm. Jennett; registrar, Joseph Adair; treasurer, J. Stewart; 1 st lecturer, Ferguson Whiteside; 1 st committee-man Robert Morton.

Sir Knt Joshua Bell replying to the toast of ‘The Imperial Grand Black Chapter,' following a sumptuous supper provided by the ladies, gave an interesting history of the warrant of 315, which went to Ontario West in 1870, and had been there until handed in so that the Preceptory concerned could get a four-figure number.

Sir Knt Bell said that the Institution was never more prosperous – numerically never more strong, financially never sounder, and the working never up to such a high standard.

Sir Knt D. England, D.D.M., also replied, Sir Knt E. McCann, Mayor, replied to “The Borough of Portadown,' and paid tribute to the W.M. of the new Preceptory. He hoped that the ‘Star of Peace' had reached the end of its journeyings in Bocombra.

There were difficult times ahead, as he felt that the ideas of the R.C. Church in Ireland were scarcely in keeping with those of the Prince of Peace, but no matter what way events moved the people of the North of Ireland would never submit to a united Ireland Government ruling from Dublin. Never were the people so closely attached to the Throne. No method of government gave freer life that that provided under our Constitution. When looked to what was happening in other countries, they should be thankful that they were living under the British system of Government.

Congratulating the District Master on the flourishing state of the District, Sir Knt McCann, said they looked to the Orange and Black Institutions to uphold our way of life.

Sir Knt Robert Jones, W.M. of R.B.P. 503, handed over a gift to the new Preceptory, and proposed a toast to ‘The newly-instituted Preceptory and its Officers.

Sir Knt T. J. Fletcher, replying, said they would do their upmost to keep No. 315 in Bocombra. They did not intend to take members from other Preceptories, but to get new members to the Institution. (Applause).'

Sir Knt Fletcher then proposed the toast of ‘Portadown Distict Chapter'.

The District Master, replying spoke of his pride in the District. That new Preceptories meant a total of 17, and he hoped to see that number increased to 20. He understood that 315 had 23 new members for initiation. With unity in their cause, they would carry the flag to victory.

Sir Knts, G. Shaw Cooke, and W. H. Wolsey also replied.

A toast was drunk to ‘The Ladies,' and tribute paid to their services, Sir Knt Fletcher replying on their behalf.

Contributors to the programme included Sir Knts, Wm. Martin (503), R. H. Best, Samuel Burns (503), A. Lyttle (267), G. Elliott and A. Allen (141); J. Dickson (199) and J. Fletcher, J. Stewart and W. Jennette (315). The Portadown News 1948

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