This Preceptory
is one of the oldest in Portadown District Chapter, after
Allen’s Chosen Few RBP 25, It’s Warrant was issued
on the 26th October 1868, the first Worshipful Master was
Sir Knt Watson Walker, and the Grand Master at this time!”
was Sir Knt William Johnston, this is the famous –“Johnston
of Ballykilbeg” Click here to read the story. The Grand
Master of Co Armagh Grand Chapter being Sir Knt Robert Black.
Amongst many important members of this
Preceptory one name is prominent, I refer to the late Sir
Knt Joshua Bell, he received his Red Cross Certificate in
RBP199 on the12th of November 1926. Sir
Knight Bell along with the many other honour's he received,
in time was elected to the high office of Imperial Grand Treasurer,
He was also a very accomplished Lecturer and was one of the
prime movers in establishing Portadown Royal Black Chapter
No 5, Lecture Class in 1943 of which he was the first Chairman.
Sir Knt, Joshua Bell’s
extensive knowledge of the Royal Black Degrees, and his talent
for disseminating this to others, led to him being chosen
as a member of the Committee which revised the Manual of Holy
Scriptures which is to this day used by Lecturers of the Royal
Black Institution, his name can be seen amongst the credits
at the back of the book.
RBP 199 unfurled a New Banner on 29th
June 1963, the unfurling was carried out by the WDM, Sir Knt
Herbert Whitten, J.P.; and the dedication was by the Rev Dean
Appleby, M.A., B.D.; it is not clear how much this Banner
cost but as each member was levied two pounds the cost must
have been around £100.
On the
19th August 1964 the Wor Master Sir KntWilliam Anderson, was
taken ill at the Portadown versus Linfield Football Match,
and was taken by Ambulance to Lurgan Hospital, where he passed
away in the early hours of Friday the 21st of August 1964,
his funeral was held on Sunday the 23rd August. The large
number of Sir Knts, attending, led by the DM, Sir Knt,William
Wilson, wore the "Regalia of Royal Black".
At the regular meeting on the 19th
of March 1965, the District Master Sir Knt, Herbert Whitten
on (behalf of the Preceptory), presented Sir Knt Thomas Austin,
with a Gold Watch, to mark their appreciation of him, for
having faithfully carried out the duties of Registrar of RBP
199 for 22 years, it was also stated that Sir Knt Austin had
not missed a meeting in 36 years.
On the 17th April 1970 the monthly
dues were raised to 4/ shillings per member, pensioners to
pay 2/6 (two shillings and six pennies), the 12th July Levy
was struck at 10/ (ten shillings) per member.
Bands which accompanied RBP 199 on
the 13 July Demonstration to Scarva were-
Crozier Memorial Pipe Band, and from 1963 the Clarke Memorial
Flute Band (Armagh). In recent years from the 70’s the
Preceptory has been led on the annual demonstration to Scarva,
by Portadown True Blues Flute Band.
Tribute must be paid to the late Sir
Knt Thomas Austin, who was registrar of RBP 199 from 1943
until 1980, the service he gave to this Preceptory was extraordinary,
not only for his regular attendance at Preceptory meetings,
but also for the quality of his work, especially in his recording
of the minutes of RBP 199, these must be read to be believed,
In my research so far of many Preceptories, I have yet to
find their equal for detail, written with beautiful handwriting
in the most expressive manner, describing events in the yearly
working of the Preceptory in perfect detail.
To give an example I hereafter include
the minute for the 13thJuly 1962.
King David’s Golden Star
RBP 199, 13th July 1962.
The usual monthly meeting of the
above Preceptory was held in the Orange Hall Carleton St,
on the above date at 8 am. Sir Knt William Anderson, occupied
the chair assisted by Sir Knt William Wilson the DM. Opening
prayer and a portion of Holy Scripture being read by the Chaplain
Sir Knt WJ McAteer.
Minutes and Cash accounts of the
previous meeting were read adopted and signed by theWM and
The WM referred to the sudden
death of Sir Knt Robert Wright, and stated that a wreath had
been sent, the members stood in silent respect.
Letters of thanks were received
and read from Mrs Wright, and Sir Knt Wm McKeown. RBP 267
wrote stating that they were holding a Church Service in Vinecash
on Sunday 29th July at 4pm the Wor, Master asked the members
to attend.
This was all the business and
the Preceptory was closed in ritual form.
God Save the Queen.
This is the minute written
by the Registrar Thomas Austin for the 13th of July 1962
After the meeting some of the Sir
Knts had light refreshments before proceeding to march through
the Tunnel (Obin’s St) to meet Corcrain and Drumcree
Preceptories, we had to start without the band, as the half
of it had a breakdown coming from Armagh, but they agreed
to come and meet us if the other ones arrived in time, this
they did and we were surprised on the return to see them marching
out of Irish St where they had formed up.
On the way down and back to the
Hall the streets were lined with people, everything pointed
to favourable weather.
After the roll call in Carleton
St the Preceptories were once more on parade to the Station
en-route for Scarva and this time the town was crowded with
spectators, who lined the route right down to Railway St,
there were four new banners in the procession RBP 450, RBP
80, RBP30, and our own (RBP 199) which was the largest Banner
in the parade, the members all felt very proud walking behind
it, and Sir Knt’s Wm, and Geo, Whitten carried it with
Grace, Honour, and Dignity to the Preceptory.
The weather was now very warm
and there wasn’t any trouble selling tickets for Scarva,
everything pointed to a record crowd being there, indeed when
we arrived we soon found out that all previous records were
When we lined up to march to the
Demesne the crowds were lined right up from the Station to
the Demesne and as other years there was a large crowd of
overseas visitors and the Ulster Toronto Accordion Band was
greatly admired by the spectators.
We duly arrived at our usual place
and had refreshments, after this some of the members went
into the village, and some just lay around in the sun and
waited for the “Sham Fight” which took place at
the usual time much to the delight of the onlookers, it was
a wonderful sight as one looked up the field to see such wonderful
colours as the people went scurrying here and there out of
the road of the horses, then came King James and King William
got down of their horses to fight it out, King William won
the day as the armies of King James fled in disorder, and
the result was heartily applauded by the crowd; as in other
years many photographs were taken by the overseas visitors
by cine-camera’s no doubt to show to their friends at
home. And in their Lodge’s.
Roll call came and it was time
to form up for the return home, the crowd was very dense in
the Demesne and Village, it was reported that a man had dropped
dead behind the platform and the Sir Knt’s were sorry
to hear the news.
We came to Portadown and formed
up in Railway St, (Watson St) to proceed through and up to
Carleton St watched by thousands who lined the route, this
year the crowds were larger as they were right down to Woodhouse
St, on each side of the Tunnel Bridge”; our Banner was
admired by everyone, and indeed there was nothing but praise
from many that we were talking to.
When we got back to the Hall the
members sat down to splendid repast.
Toasts, honoured “The Queen”;
and” The Imperial Grand Black Chapter”, replied
to by “Sir Kn’t Joshua Bell IGT”, who stated
that he was glad to be honoured to reply to the toast and
thanked the Wor. Master for his invitation, he was sorry that
he was unable to get to the unfurling of the Banner, as he
was away on holidays at the time but he had seen it on the
parade today and he was greatly impressed by it and he wished
the members many happy years to march behind it; he stated
that RBP 199 had always representation at the County Grand
Lodge”, he recalled names like Sir Knt,WJ Johnston,
W, Patton, T. McFadden and Sir Knt. RH Bell his father who
had been Master of RBP 199 for 34 years. It spoke well he
said for RBP 199 as they had only 3 Masters in 62 years, which
showed the confidence the members had in their officers, he
stated that he himself might come back to RBP 119 his mother
The toast of the Portadown District
No 5 was replied to by Sir Knt H. Whitten WDM, who had just
arrived, after being round about twelve Preceptories that
evening, he said he was proud of them all this evening for
their magnificent turn out, and he was glad that the weather
was so favourable , and he had a great word of praise for
the Banner Carriers Sir Knt;s Wm, and Geo, Whitten who he
hoped would be long spared to carry her in the demonstrations
to Scarva; he thanked the Wor. Master for his invitation.
Sir Knt Wm, Wilson proposed and
Sir Knt A, Forde sec, that we engage the band for next year,
this was passed by a hearty applause and the Wor. Master asked
the Band were they agreeable, to which they replied that they
The following Sir Knts, contributed
songs, J,Lyttle, A.Forde, J. McKinley, Wm Baxter, T. Speers,
Wm. Speers, Thos. Bailee, C. Ellis, Wm. Duke, W. Doak, A.
Watson, T. West, Ed. Hutchinson, G. Hanna, Wm. Anderson WM,
J Baxter, R. Jones, John Livingstone and Ed Campbell.
Sir Knt, G Topping proposed and
Sir Knt, Wm, Sewell Sec, a vote of thanks to committee this
was conveyed by the WM, and replied to by Sir Knt, J Baxter.The
singing of the National Anthem brought an enjoyable evening
to a close.
Some important notes from
the minutes over the years.
In the 1960’s the Rent for a
room in Carleton St Orange Hall was 5/ shillings per month,
District dues were 5/ shillings per year And the Scarva Levy
was 7/6 (seven shillings and six pennies) per member.
On the 13th July 1971 on the annual
parade to Scarva, the District Chapter was accompanied by
the Ulster Accordion Band from Toronto, who were on a visit
to Northern Ireland.
On the 21st April 1972 no less than
13 candidates for membership were balloted for.
It was proposed that 80 members be
catered for on 13th July1972.
The Bus fare to Scarva on 13 July 1973
cost 50p.
On 13 July 1977 the Preceptory was
accompanied, to the Annual demonstration at Scarva, by Portadown
True Blues Flute Band.
In 1978 Sir Knt, James Symington was
congratulated by the Preceptory on being elected County Grand
The cost for the Portadown True Blues
Flute Band in 1979 was £100.
The 15th August1980 marks the last
entry in the Minute Book, by Sir Knt Thomas Austin who had
been Registrar, of King David’s Golden Star RBP 199
from 1943 to 1980 a total of 37 years.
February 1985 Sir Knt James Symington
was elected WM or RBP 199.
List of Worshipful Masters for King
David’s Golden Star RBP no 199, Portadown Royal Black
District Chapter No5.
1957/64 -----------William Anderson
1965/85------------William Wilson
1985/ ------------James Symington