History of RBP 217 'St Saviours'
A few miles from Portadown on the main A3 road to Armagh is Drumnahuncheon Orange Hall, this the encampment of St Saviours R.B.P.217, It has strong associations with Dobbin Parish Church hence it's title, and quite a few of it's members are Parishioners of this Church.
A lot of R.B.P. 217 Sir Knights are drawn
from the ranks of L.O.L. No 371 the local Orange Lodge.
Left - The Prize-winning, Battlehill Pipe
Band,which has headed St, Saviours RBP 217 to the 13th July,
Scarva demonstration,
for the past 10 Years.
It was constituted on the 6th
of May 1941, by the District Master of Portadown Royal Black
Chapter No 5, Sir Knight Alex Adair.
The first Worshipful Master was Sir Knight Thomas Henry Hobson and the initial membership was 33 Sir Knight's.
It is interesting to note that William Bridget & Sons of Belfast, painted the first Banner for this preceptory for the sum of £29-10-0, and that 12 Collarette's from R, Corbett and Sons of Portadown cost £5-8-0.
On Saturday the 5th of June 1971 a new banner for R.B.P.217 was unfurled at St Saviours Parish Church Dobbin, by Mrs. Winnie McClelland, in the presence of the then Worshipful District Master of Portadown Royal Black District Chapter No5, Sir Knight Herbert Whitten J.P. Other visiting Sir Knights and members of the Preceptory.
Click here for larger image Owing to falling membership and other difficulties, with much regret the Warrant of R.B.P.217 had to be surrendered to the District Chapter in 1985 this was a sad period in the History of the Preceptory.
After the determined efforts of some Sir Knights St Saviours Royal Black Preceptory No 217 was reconstituted on Thursday the 5"' of January 1995, the ceremony was carried out by the County Grand Master Sir Knight Samuel Gardiner, - The District Master of Portadown Royal Black District Chapter No5 Sir Knight James Hewitt, assistant Grand Master Sir Knight William Anderson, and other District Officers.
The election of new officers then took place the results as follows.W.M. Sir Knight Robert Hobson, - D.M. Sir Knt, William Best, - Chaplain, Sir Knt, William Ferguson, Registrar, Sir Knt, John Hobson, Treasurer Sir Knt, Ernest Hobson, 1s' Censor Sir Knt, Bertie Hobson, 2nd Censor Sir Knt, Dan Thornberry, Persuviant Sir Knt D, Thornberry, and Foreman of Committee William Ferguson.
Click here for larger image The Co Grand Master Congratulated The new Officers And wished the Sir Knights and the Preceptory every success in the future, this was heartily endorsed by the Assistant Grand Master Sir Knt, William Anderson, The District Master James Hewitt, Sir Knt Everett Brown District Treasurer, Sir Knt, Raymond Walker District Registrar, Sir Knt Jack Brownlee D. G. Treasurer, and District Chaplain, Sir Knt, Robert Wallace District Lecturer, and Sir Knt Jack Mathers.
In Conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was proposed by the new Worshipful Master Sir Knt Robert Hobson to all those who had taken part in the reconstitution of the Preceptory and the Distinguished visitors, this was seconded by the Deputy Master And approved, by acclamation
Click here for larger image
Worshipful Masters Of
Royal Black Preceptory No 217. |
Sir Knt Thomas Henry
Hobson |
1941 -
1955 |
Sir Knt Bertie McClelland |
1955 -
1956 |
Sir Knt Frank Hewitt |
1956 -
1959 |
Sir Knt Thomas H. Hobson |
1959 -
1977 |
Sir Knt Dan Thornberry |
1977 -
1979 |
Sir Knt John Hobson |
1979 -
1980 |
Sir Knt William Gray |
1980 -
1983 |
Sir Knt Fred Hobson |
1984 -
1984 |
Sir Knt Dan Thornberry |
1985 -
1994 |
New Constitution |
Sir Knt Robert Hobson |
1995 -
2005 |
Sir Knt William Ferguson |
2005 - 2008 |