History of RBP 450 'Burning Bush' Derryhale
Derryhale Road is off the Portadown-Armagh road, about 3 miles from Portadown.
RBP 450 is encamped in ‘Derryhale LOL No 81 Orange Hall' which is approx. 1 mile from the main Portadown, Armagh road.
The Preceptory is very vibrant and always well represented at Portadown District Chapter meetings.
Burning Bush R.B.P. 450 received its first warranted on the 24th October 1938. The first Worshipful Master of the Preceptory was Sir Knt R. Preston.
A story hand down though the years states that R.B.P. 450, warrant was working in ‘Australia', before coming to Portadown District. This will required further research at a later stage to ascertain if this is indeed correct.
The first R.B.P. warrant faded owing to condensation was renewed in 2002, by Sir Knt George Carson, Lecturer; who was then the Worshipful Master of R.B.P. 450.
November 1938 Minute Book - New Banner
It was proposed by Sir Knt H Gilbert, and seconded by Sir Knt William Duke, that RBP 450 purchase a new Banner from William Bridgett. This was passed. It was proposed by Sir Knt R Preston, and seconded by Sir Knt R Maxwell, that Sir Knt H Gilbert and Sir Knt Wm Duke be appointed to collect Banner money from the members and approved.
20th January 1939
Proposed by Sir Knt Norman Flavelle and seconded by Sir Knt Herbert McBroom that a painting of ‘The Two Spies' for one side of the New Banner and ‘The Burning Bush' for the other, this was passed.
It was proposed by Sir Knt Norman Flavelle and seconded by Sir Knt Richard Preston, that Sir Knt Richard Preston and Sir Knt Thomas Lamb go to Bridgetts (Belfast) to order the Banner, Mrs Richard Preston wife of the Worshipful Master unfurled the Banner in June 1939.
Minute of the 18th August 1961 - Ref:- New Banner
Letters stating prices etc, for New Banner were read from A M Purce of Randalstown, Frank Hargy of Portrush, and prices from Bridgetts of Belfast were quoted by Sir Knt Thomas Somerville who had made enquiries there.
It was proposed by Sir Knt Norman Beattie, J.P.; and seconded by Sir Knt H Gilbert that the Preceptory purchase a new Banner, this was declared passed.
Sir Knt H McBroom proposed and Sir Knt Samuel Patterson seconded that the Banner be purchased from A M Purce, of Randalstown, agent for Tuttill of London, (see quotation from Frank Hargy of Portrush).
This new Banner was unfurled in June 1992 by the Worshipful Master's wife Mrs Richard Preston.
12th November 1963
The Preceptory celebrated its 25th anniversary with a Social evening
on Tuesday evening the 12th of November 1963.
50th Anniversary Celebrations 19th November
To mark the 50th Anniversary of the foundation of RBP 450, the
monthly meeting was used as a special occasion This was held on
Friday the 19th November 1988, with the attendance of many distinguished
This event was supported by some 70 Sir Knts. The chair was occupied
by the Worshipful Master Sir Knt Thomas Johnston, assisted by
the Deputy Master
Sir Knt Robert Spence. The W.M. warmly welcomed all the visitors
and wished them a happy meeting. Congratulations and fraternal
Greetings were conveyed on behalf of the Imperial Grand Chapter,
by Sir Knt Joseph Trueman, Imperial Grand Black Registrar; Sir
Knt Sam Gardiner, County Grand Master; Sir Knt John Toal, W.D.M.,
Portadown; Sir Knt Sam Parks, D.D.M., Lurgan; congratulations
where also sent from many other Preceptories and individual Sir
Knts. After the close of this very successful meeting, a sumptuous
meal was enjoyed by all. Click on the small thumbnail to see
a larger image of the attendance record.
Extract from the minute book 20th September
The Worshipful Master Sir Knt R. Spence, asked the Preceptory
if it was their wish to go ahead and purchase a new Banner. This
was agreed unanimously by the Preceptory. The Worshipful Master
explained that on the strength of this an order was placed with
an artist from Matilda Street, off the Sandy Row in Belfast.
Extract from the minute book 21st January
It was agreed that the date set for the unfurling of the Banner
should be Saturday the 27th June 1992, tea should be provided,
and that the Banner should be unfurled by the daughter of the
next Worshipful Master, Helen Patterson. It was felt that both
District and County Officers should be invited as well as Sir
Knt James Molyneaux (Sovereign Grand Master) and RBP 89. The Rev
Tom Taylor is to be asked to dedicate the Banner, and the local
Rector should also play a part. A cup to be presented to Killeen
Pipe Band for long service to Preceptory 450.
Minute of the 15th October 1999 – Presentation of ‘Holy Bible'
A copy of the ‘Holy Bible' was presented by Sir Knt Jack McElroy for the use of Burning Bush RBP 450, it was proposed by Sir Knt Jack Gilbert that the ‘Bible' be suitably inscribed in recognition of Sir Knt McIlroy's kind gesture, this was seconded by Sir Knt Tom Irwin and approved.
Minute of the 20th June 2006
The Registrar was instructed to write a letter to Sir Knt William Irwin congratulating him on his forthcoming installation as ‘Mayor' of ‘Armagh and District Council'.
Long Established Customs.
Over a long number of years it has been a custom of the Preceptory to present to each new Sir Knt at his initiation, a collarette complete with the insignia of the Preceptory, also on the occasion of a member of RBP 450 being married, he would be presented with a copy of The Holy Bible; suitably inscribed.
It is also a custom of RBP 450 at Christmas' to send baskets of fruit to Sir Knt's, who are going through a period of illness or injury.
Bands who have over the years accompanied Burning Bush, RBP No. 450.
Bands that have accompanied the Preceptory on their annual parade to Scarva and other engagements are as follows -
Derrykeevan Pipe Band, Killycopple Accordion Band, Killeen Pipe Band.
List of Worshipful
Masters RBP 450 'Burning Bush' |
Sir Knt Robert Preston 1938 - 1972 |
Sir Knt Arthur Miskelly 2004 - 2006 |
Sir Knt John McIlroy 1972 - 1978 |
Sir Knt Alistrair Miskelly 2006 - 2007 |
Sir Knt Arthur Crawford 1978 - 1980 |
Sir Knt George Carson 2007 - 2008 |
Sir Knt John H. Gilbert 1980 - 1981 |
Sir Knt Sir Knt Clive McNally 2008 - 2009 |
Sir Knt 'Unknown' 1981 - 1994 |
Sir Knt L. Patterson 1994 - 2001 |
Sir Knt George Carson 2001 - 2004 |
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