History of RBP 232 'Epworth Temperance'
This Preceptory was constituted
on the 14th of November 1947.
The first Worshipful Master was Sir Knt John Joshua Bell; you can see an appreciation of the work of Sir Knt Bell in the item on RBP 199, of which he was originally a member.
Other foundation members were, Sir Knights - William J.Lyttle, Deputy Master; Samuel Crozier, Treasurer; W. J. Coulter, Chaplain; Victor G. Reavie, Registrar; Robert H. Bell, First Lecturer; Herbert Conn, Second Lecturer; Joseph Twinem, First Committeeman; Cecil Sergeant, Second Committeeman; Ivan Davidson, third Committeeman. Other Members in the first year were – Sir Knights, Ronald Brownlee, Ernest Downey, Norman McCullough, Rev. E. Shaw, Frederick Neill, Herbert McCabe, Hugh Gates, Harold Parkes, W. Sleater, K. Jones, W.Gerald Reavie, G. Curry, R. Wright, R. H. Wright, J. Uprichard, and R. Wright. Twenty-five Sir Knights in total during the first year. It is worthy to note that in five years the membership of R.B.P. 232 had more than doubled to fifty-eight Sir Knights.
From the beginning this Preceptory had strong connections with the Methodist Church, many of its original Sir Knights were Methodist in their persuasion, and some were members of ‘Thomas Street, B.B. Old Boys Association: - Hence it's title “Epworth”- see explanation of the significance of this title, by the Rev. Maurice Laverty, B.D., M.A., Portadown Royal Black District No. 5 Chaplain. The members of R.B.P. 232 were sometimes referred to as ‘Methodys, although quite unfairly, as they had members from other denominations.
On Thursday evening the 5 th July 1951 a unique event took place in Carleton Street Orange Hall Portadown that was the unfurling, and dedication, of new ‘Colours' for both ‘Epworth Temperance RBP, 232, and Wesleyan Temperance LOL No 161, these two were inextricably linked by origin. - See a report of this auspicious occasion from the ‘Portadown News' and the'Portadown Times' dated July 6 th 1951, also see an article from the same newspapers on the phenomenal growth of the ‘Royal Black Institution' from the end of the second ‘World War' until that date.
Below are two images taken from the first ever pages of R.B.P. 232 minute book. Below the banner are links and you can read the full text of the news paper images below.

Click on the links below and read the news stories concerning the formation of R.B.P. 232 Mr. J. J. Bell is elected First W.M. of Portadown's 16th Black Preceptory -
Portadown News 14-11-1947
Dual Unfurling Ceremony Lodge and Preceptory – Portadown Times Friday, July 6 th , 1951
Growth of Black Institution as reported in the Northern Whig Belfast
significance of the name "Epworth" in the Methodist
Epworth Temperance RBP 232 Celebrate their 60th Anniversary |