History of R.B.P. 267 - 'R. H. Bell. Memorial'


Above - Presentation of cheque for £300 to Mandeville unit Craigavon Area Hospital. February 2002. Sir Knt Reggie Tedford, Treasurer; W.M. Sir Knt Robert Oliver; Representatives from Craigavon Area Hospital Mandeville Unit, Sir Knt Cecil Allen, Chaplain; Sir Knt Victor Fleming, D.M.


  Above - Presentation of cheque £450 to St Johns Hospice, April 2003. Back Row – Sir Knt Adrian Branyan, Registrar; Sir Knt Nigel Mullholland, Treasurer; Sir Knt Cecil Allen, Chaplain; Late Sir Knt Joe Partridge, Lecturer. Front Row – W.M. Sir Knt Robert Oliver, Tony Chan, St John’s Hospice representative, Mrs Carol Partridge wife of the Late Sir Knt David Partridge, P.M., Sir Knt Victor Fleming, D.M.
Above - Sir Knt Robert Oliver, W.M.; presents Sir Knt Sam Semple, P.M. with his 40 year jewel   Above - Sir Knt Everett Browne District Treasurer, and member of R.B.P. 267 left, and Sir Knt Toal of R.B.P. 265 at the 2004 Armagh Banner Parade.
Above - Sir Knt Cecil Allen, Chaplain preparing for the 2003 Carol Service in Kilmoriarty Orange Hall   Above - Friends and family socialising and enjoying a cup of tea and mince pies after the 2003 Carol Service
Above - Past Masters board being presented and Dedicated 2001. Left to Right – W.M. Sir Knt Robert Oliver, Sir Knt Cecil Allen, Chaplain; Sir Knt D. Van Scoy, P.M., Sir Knt Robert Ramsey, P.M, Sir Knt Sam Semple, P.M.; Sir Knt Victor Fleming, D.M.  

Above - Sir Knt Everett Browne, P.M.; being presented with his 40 year service jewel by the W.D.M. Sir Knt James Hewitt


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