History of RBP 315 'Star of Peace'

This Preceptory is encamped in ‘Bocombra Orange Hall', which is also the meeting place of LOL No 22; this hall is situated on the outskirts of Portadown Co Armagh, on the ‘ Old Lurgan Road ' adjacent to ‘ Craigavon Area Hospital '.

‘Bocombra Star of Peace' was instituted on Friday the 19th of November 1948, in the presence of the ‘County Grand Master of Armagh Sir Knt, Alex Adair, who was also District Master of ‘Portadown Royal Black Chapter, he occupied the chair assisted by Sir Knt, David England D.D.M., of Portadown in the vice chair.

The first Worshipful Master of ‘Bocombra Star of Peace RBP 315 was Sir Knt, James Fletcher who was to serve the Preceptory loyally for many years as W.M. until his death in 1986, in all 36 years, Sir Knt Fletcher was the proprietor of a cycle business in Portadown and did much to promote the sport of cycle racing in the area.

In May 1949 RBP 315 were presented with a banner by Mount Carmel RBP 131 from Banbridge, Co Down, in gratitude for which a letter of thanks was sent, this banner has been faithfully preserved by the Preceptory, the expenses for this banner totalled £4-10-0. NB, this Banner in the old style and very large, (at least 7ft,) was painted by ‘Bridgett' of Belfast , renowned Banner Painters, and I am reliably informed it has created much interest in historical circles.

The band which accompanied the Preceptory on their first 13 th July parade was Ballylisk Band which cost £6-4-0, and the levy struck to cover the expenses for that day was 10/-.

Other Bands which accompanied RBP 315 to Scarva were ‘Emanuel CLB, Pipe Band' from Ardoyne, Belfast . – ‘Major J, Sinclair Memorial Pipe Band', ( Belfast ), - ‘Marlacoo Pipe Band', and lately J. Forde Memorial Pipe Band.

From the minutes of Friday the 1st July 1955.

On the above date a very outstanding function in connection with this Preceptory, took place at Edenderry Memorial Methodist Church. Sir Knights of the Preceptory with visiting Sir Knts, from many other Preceptories in the Portadown and other Districts witnessed the unfurling of Bocombra's first new banner. The unfurling ceremony was presided over by Sir Knt, D, England WDM, of Portadown District No 5, the opening hymn ‘O God Our Help in Ages Past was sung by all present, before Canon Appleby led all in the opening prayer. Sir Knt, James Fletcher our WM then made a presentation of a beautiful ‘Pocket Knife' to Sir Knt, Robert Baird from Loughbrickland, who travelled to perform the unfurling of our new banner, after which Canon Appleby rendered a prayer of dedication. - Our WM then proposed a vote of thanks to all who made our unfurling such a success, this being seconded by Sir Knt Samuel Moffet, Registrar. Also present at the ceremony was the Emanuel Pipe Band from Belfast who led the march to Edenderry when the ceremony was completed. The Portadown District Registrar Sir Knt, G. S. Cooke was also a member of the platform party. When the Preceptory with all visitors returned to Bocombra Orange Hall a very enjoyable evening followed, at which Sir Knt's England , Baird, and others made very pleasing speeches in favour of RBP 315. Our new Banner was supplied by Messer's F, Hargy of Portrush, at a cost of £95.00. WM Sir Knt James Fletcher, Sir Knt S.. Moffet Reg.

February 1965

During the evening the WM, Sir Knt James Fletcher presented the Preceptory with a pair of lovely swords, of which the Preceptory was in dire need, and all the members are indebted to him for his generous gift.

25th Anniversary Celebrations 1973

In 1973 Bocombra Star of Peace 315 celebrated its 25th Anniversary with a Dinner which was attended by the Worshipful District Master of Portadown Royal Black Chapter No 5, Sir Knt Herbert Whitten, M.P., and J.P.; together with a large attendance of members and visitors. During the evening the District Master assisted Sir Knt James Fletcher WM, and Mrs Fletcher to cut the 25 th Anniversary cake.

13th July 1988

Sir Knt Bertie Fletcher presented the Preceptory with a fine pair of Ceremonial Swords, this was greatly appreciated by all the members.

Minute of Friday the 22 nd June 1990

Portadown District Officers, Sir Knt's of Bocombra Star of Peace, visiting Sir Knt's and friends met outside Bocombra Hall on this historic occasion, on the above date to have their new banner unfurled. The WM Sir Knt R. Robinson welcomed the District Officers, Sir Knt, Rev Hugh Ross and visitors and asked the District Master Sir Knt J. Symington; to take the chair. Sir Knt J. Symington said how pleased he was to be present on this occasion and asked everyone to be upstanding to sing the first hymn “O God Our Help in Ages Past”. Rev Hugh Ross led the prayers, and then asked Mrs Holmes to cut the tape. The W.M. Sir R. Robinson; presented her with a bouquet of flowers. The Rev, Hugh Ross then dedicated the Banner after which a second hymn “The Lord's My Shepherd” was sung. A vote of thanks to the Worshipful District Master, to Mrs Holmes, Rev Hugh Ross and visitors was proposed by Sir Knt Andrew Fletcher, and seconded by Sir Knt B. Holmes. The Rev Sir Knt Hugh Ross pronounced the ‘Benediction', and ‘Marlacoo Pipe Band' led the singing of the ‘National Anthem. The Band and Sir Knt's paraded with their new Banner to ‘Holmes's Corner'. Afterwards everyone was served with a cup of tea, and a social evening followed, which was enjoyed by all. Note, this Banner was painted by Strain of Gravagh at a cost of £1.000. WM Sir Knt R. Robinson, Sir Knt S. Preston, Reg. (Click here to see picture of unfurling 1990)

From the minute of the 24th June 1990

A letter was read from Mrs Fletcher and a cheque for £200.00, being a tribute to the memory of her husband ‘Jimmy' who gave a life-long service to ‘Bocombra Hall' the money to be used toward the upkeep of the hall”.

R.B.P. 315 "Star of Peace" list of Worshipful Masters
Sir Knt James T. Fletcher – 1948 - 1962   Sir Knt Richard Robinson – 1986 - 1993
Sir Knt Wm, Hobbs - 1962 - 1964   Sir Knt Brian Holmes – 1993 - 1999
Sir Knt James T. Fletcher – 1964 - 1986   Sir Knt Andrew Fletcher – 1999 - 2006

Click here to read the 1948 News Story concerning the Royal Black Warrant Instituted in Bocombra

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