History of RBP 744 "The Prince"

A committee was formed on July 9th 1908 by a group of Sir Knights with a view to form another Preceptory in Portadown District. Portadown officers were present when a request was made to form the new Preceptory.

The committee all existing Sir Knights had its first meeting on August 13th 1908 and the first principle officer elected into the chair was Sir knight Bro. W. White. This meeting was held in West Street due to contractors carrying out work in Carleton street. At this meeting all the other principle officers were also picked.

On 21st September, 1908 arrangements were made by the committee for a new warrant. This cost 15 shillings and was signed by all Sir knights of the committee.

In September 26th, 1908 the DM of Portadown District Royal Black Chapter No 5 "announced the after due consideration the district had decided to support the application" for the new warrant for RBP 744. On 22nd October, 1908 members of the committee chaired by W. White agreed that Portadown District officers proceed with the application for the warrant at the "County Grand Chapter" to be held on 24th November 1908. The Warrant was granted at this meeting.

Committee met on 30th November 1908 to discuss when to constitute the New Preceptory. It was agreed to constitute it on Monday 14th December, 1908. It was decided to invite the principle officers from the following preceptories Nos. 25, 30, 199, 503, 663 and Brackagh together with the District officers.

The Preceptory was constituted in Carleton Street Orange Hall the number being "744".

The first official stamp on the minute book of RBP 744 was on 14th December, 1908. This was in a special District meeting of Portadown Officers to officially form the Preceptory.

The first meeting of RBP 744 took place on January 11th, 1909, in Carleton Street Orange Hall. The name of the Preceptory was agreed at this meeting "The Prince"

RBP 744 have had a very long association with Battlehill Pipe Band this first started on July 13th, 1923 up to 1994.


The first WM was Sir Knight W. White after the annual Scarva parade on the 13th July the members of RBP 744 had a dinner at the Imperial Hotel that year.

It has been the practice of RBP 744 to give the out going Worshipful Master's of the preceptory a Past Master's Jewel and a Past Master's Certificate.

In June 1910 the dues per month were sixpence per month per member.


In 1910 the RBP 744 had 27 Sir Knts on the roll book.

In 1915 on the 17th May the members were informed there would be no Scarva Parade due to the War. The Preceptory continued to meet monthly right though the First World War.

It is recorded in the minute book that "Battlehill Pipe band" began to lead the Preceptory every 13th July from the 13th July, 1923.

Sir knights WM Robert Dobbin and J. Wright died in tragic circumstances on 25-9-1939. So the DM W. Elliott became WM in 1939.

During the period from 16-10-39 (date of the first meeting in temporary premises) to 14-8-44 (date of the last meeting in temporary premises) RBP 744 "The Prince" met and held their meetings in Church Street, Portadown, in the temporary Orange Hall.

In 1915 on the 17th May the members were informed there would be no Scarva Parade due to the War. The Preceptory continued to meet monthly right though the First World War.

In 1923 RBP 744 acquired a bannerette.

It is recorded in the minute book that "Battlehill Pipe band" began to lead the Preceptory every 13th July from the 13th July, 1923.

Sir knights WM Robert Dobbin and J. Wright died in tragic circumstances on 25-9-1939. So the DM W. Elliott became WM in 1939

During the period from 16-10-39 (date of the first meeting in temporary premises) to 14-8-44 (date of the last meeting in temporary premises) RBP 744 "The Prince" met and held their meetings in Church Street, Portadown, in the temporary Orange Hall

Last suiving foundUp until 1940 R. J. UpRicharding member of RBP 744

was the last surviving founding member of the Preceptory this was recorded in the minutes dated 12th September 1940. The Preceptory continue to meet though the second World War.

There was a new banner unfurled in 1952 which replaced the old banner which was brought in 1923. Lady Stronge was accompanied by Sir Norman Stronge Sovereign Grand Master at the Unfurling.

1946 - 1952 - Largest number of Sir Knts

In 1952 RBP 744 had One Hundred Sir Knts on the Roll book. From 1946 to 1952 the numbers of Sir Knts varied between 66 Sir Knts to the magical 100 barrier.


RBP 744 "The Prince" unfurled and had the Dedication of new banner on Friday 30th June, 1967 it was decided to invite Sir Knight R. J. McGowan OBE JP to perform the unfurling of the new banner The Rev. J.C. Graham to dedicate the banner A knife suitably inscribed was presented to Sir knight R. J. McGowan D.D.M.; O.B.E.; J.P.

For the first time in living memory the "Sham Fight" at Scarva on 13th July, 1973, was called off due to a cattle infection in the "Demense" were the fight took place.

Sir Knight David Jeffers nephew, was murdered by republican terrorists' this was recorded in the minute book.

On Friday June 17th, 1983, RBP 744 "The Prince" Unfurled and dedicated a new banner in Carleton Street, Orange Hall, Portadown. The unfurling ceremony was by Worshipful Bro. Sir Knight James Symington, Deputy District Master. C

In 1985 the much hated Anglo-Irish Agreement came into being without the support of the vast majority of the Protestant people in Northern Ireland. This led to banning of the Royal Black Preceptory Parading Obin Street, in Portadown on the 13th July, 1985.
This was the start of "Civil and Religious Liberty" being denied to the loyal orders' in Northern Ireland. As the Portadown District LOL No 1 Orangemen were also stop from parading this route as in previous years. It was the custom and tradition of Portadown District Black Chapter No 5, to walk and meet the county preceptories' down Obin Street the preceptories' were RBP 141, RBP 78 and RBP 30.

1985- Sir Knight David Thompson who had been initiated into the Preceptory on 16th April, 1934, received his 50 year Jewel having been over 51 years in the Preceptory. David held various offices' in the Preceptory and made a great contribution to the Preceptory. Worshipful District Master Sir Knight Toal presented the Jewel to Sir Knight David Thompson.

Battlehill pipe band who have led RBP 744 "The Prince" faithfully since 13th July, 1923, finished first in the World Band Championship's in the grade 4 category. This was a great achievement for the band and they were congratulated by the Preceptory for having managed to finish first.

In September 1987 it was agreed that Portadown District Black Chapter No. 5, along with RBP 744 and all the other town Preceptories' meet the county preceptories' RBP 141, RBP 78 and RBP 30 at Parkmount known locally as "The Walk". Since the British Government which supported the Anglo-Irish Agreement against the wishes' of the vast majority of Protestants' in Northern Ireland had stopped the District meeting the county preceptories' and parading Obin street.

A 80th Anniversary Dinner Dance for RBP 744, was held in Carleton Street, Portadown (1987).

Sir Knight Heasty received his 50 year Jewel on the 13th May, 1989 from Worshipful Master Sir Knight J. Symington the District Master of Portadown Black Chapter No. 5. The Late Sir Knight Heasty died in 2004

The members of RBP 744 expressed their sorrow at the death of Sir Knight Robert Orr murdered by the enemies' of Ulster. A tribute was paid to him for the work he done in the Orange and Black Institutions'. This was recorded in the minute book on 13th May, 1991.

On October 12th, 1992 Sir Knight George Tooley presented the Red Cross Certificate and Seal of the Late Sir Knight W. J. Saunderson to the preceptory for safe keeping. Sir Knight W. J. Saunderson was initiated on 10-03-1909 and his red cross Certificate was dated 15-09-1919. This Certificate is on the Wall in Carleton Street Orange Hall

The majority of the members decided in 1994 to acquire a flute band to lead the Preceptory on the 13th July. So it was with great regret and a feeling of lost amongst the older members of the preceptory that a letter be sent to Battlehill Pipe band informing them their services were no longer required. Battlehill Pipe band had a very long association with the preceptory leading them to Scarva every 13th July from 1923.

On 27th February, 1995 the Sovereign Grand Master (S.G.M.) Sir Knight James Molyneaux MP attended a dinner run by RBP 744 in Brownlow house to award long service Jewels to six Sir Knights.
Sir Knight J Henry, Sir Knight K McMullan and Sir Knight Dr J Wilson received 40 year Jewels.
While Sir Knight Stanley Thompson and Sir Knight H Lappin received their 50 year Jewels.
Sir Knight Foster Heasty received his 60 year Jewel. The SGM Sir Knight J Molyneaux give a speech to all of the members present and congratulated them on having such a fine and outstanding Preceptory and wish the preceptory all the best in the coming years.

Sir Knight J Henry received his 50 year Jewel from the Preceptory.

Click on this links for pictures

Worshipful Masters of RBP 744
1910 - Sir Knt V. Wilson   1911 - Sir Knt J Magee
1912 - Sir Knt Robert Dobbin   1913 - Sir Knt R J UpRichard
1914 - Sir Knt Joseph Andrew Vaughan   1915 - Sir Knt Gough
1916 - Sir Knt David Ritchie   1917 - Sir Knt Alfred Mayor
1918 - Sir Knt R. Davidson   1919 - Sir Knt A. Magee
1920 - Sir Knt W.J. Magee   1921 - Sir Knt W. J. Kerr
1922 - Sir Knt William Jones   1923 - Sir Knt Robert Burns
1924 - Sir Knt J Magee   1925 - Sir Knt Haddock
1926 - Sir Knt D Wright   1927 - Sir Knt Samuel A. Sayers
1928 - Sir Knt Fred Magee   1929 - Sir Knt R. W. Whitten
1930 - Sir Knt James Mitchell   1931 - Sir Knt James Allen
1932 - Sir Knt M Kittrick   1933 - Sir Knt F G Allen
1933 - Sir Knt James Copeland   1934 - Sir Knt A. Conn
1935 - Sir Knt James Copeland   1936 - Sir Knt W. Gillespie
1937 - Sir Knt Isaac Calvin   1938 - Sir Knt Ernest Gilmore
1939 - Sir Knt Robert Dobbin   1940 - Sir Knt W. Elliott
1941 - Sir Knt Samuel Muldrew   1942 - Sir Knt James Copeland
1943 - Sir Knt George Dickson   1944 - Sir Knt J. Geddis
1945 - Sir Knt Robert Burns   1946 - Sir Knt T Dobbin
1947 - Sir Knt H Ellis   1948 - Sir Knt W. J. Magee
1949 - Sir Knt Norman Cully   1950 - Sir Knt John Milne
1951 - Sir Knt W Trimble   1951 - Sir Knt D. Thompson
1952 - Sir Knt D. Thompson   1953 - Sir KntM. Sir Knight W. Hamilton
1954 - Sir Knt F. Jeffers   1955 - Sir Knt Sir Knight Magowan
1956 - Sir Knt H. McIntyre   1957 - Sir Knt D. Jeffers
1958 - Sir Knt J.W. Thompson   1959 - Sir Knt E. Martin
1960 - Sir Knt W. Scott   1961 - Sir Knt Welsey Thompson
1962 - Sir Knt G. Hammond   1963 - Sir Knt Cecil Graham
1964 - Sir Knt W. H. Best   1965 - Sir Knt W. H. Best
1966 - Sir Knt W. S. Graham   1967 - Sir Knt W. S. Graham
1968 - Sir Knt Jackson Reynolds   1969 - Sir Knt Jackson Reynolds
1970 - Sir Knt James Henry   1971 - Sir Knt James Henry
1972 - Sir Knt Foster Heasty   1973 - Sir Knt Foster Heasty
1974 - Sir Knt David McKeown   1975 - Sir Knt David McKeown
1976 - Sir Knt J. Houston   1977 - Sir Knt J. Houston
1978 - Sir Knt Thomas Wright   1979 - Sir Knt Thomas Wright
1980 - Sir Knt T. McGarry   1981 - Sir Knt T. McGarry
1982 - Sir Knt A. Leeman   1983 - Sir Knt A. Leeman
1984 - Sir Knt R. McBroom   1985 - Sir Knt R. McBroom
1986 - Sir Knt G. Tooley   1987 - Sir Knt G. Tooley
1988 - Sir Knt James Uprichard   1989 - Sir Knt James Uprichard
1990 - Sir Knt Kenneth Graham   1991 - Sir Knt Kenneth Graham
1992 - Sir Knt J. Gordon   1993 - Sir Knt J. Gordon
1994 - Sir Knt Graham Montgomery   1995 - Sir Knt Graham Montgomery
1996 - Sir KntM Graham Montgomery   1997 - Sir Knt Graham Montgomery
1998 - Sir Knt Gordon Montgomery   1999 - Sir Knt Gordon Montgomery
2000 - Sir Knt Gordon Montgomery   2001 - Sir Knt Robert O'Donohue
2002 - Sir Knt Steven Forde   2003 - Sir Knt Steven Forde
2004 - Sir Knt Stuart Burnie   2005 - Sir Knt Stuart Burnie
2006 - Sir Knt Peter Elliott   2007 - Sir Knt Peter Elliott
2008 - Sir Knt Gary McIvor    

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