RBP 744 Pictures

Above - The current banner used by RBP 744   Above - The current banner used by RBP 744
Above - 1985- Sir Knight David Thompson who had been initiated into the Preceptory on 16th April, 1934, received his 50 year Jewel having been over 51 years in the Preceptory. David held various offices' in the Preceptory and made a great contribution to the Preceptory. Worshipful District Master Sir Knight Toal presented the Jewel to Sir Knight David Thompson.   Above - On Friday June 17th, 1983, RBP 744 "The Prince" Unfurled and dedicated a new banner in Carleton Street, Orange Hall, Portadown. The unfurling ceremony was by Worshipful Bro. Sir Knight James Symington, Deputy District Master.

Above - Pictured in the demonstration field in Scarva are left to right, Sir Knts William Eachnie, Gary McIvor, Stuart Burnie, Steven Forde and Gordon Burnie.

    Above - RBP 744 Late Sir Knt John Milne lecturing certificate.
Above - Unfurling and dedication of new banner at Carleton Street Orange Hall on Friday June 17th 1983 at 7.30pm. Unfurling ceremony by Worshipful Bro. Sir Knt James Symington Deputy District Master  

Above - Welcome by Sir Knt Adrian Leeman. Chairman Worshipful Bro. Sir Knt John Toal District Master of Portadown District. Scripture reading by Worshipful Bro. George Tooley, Lay Chaplain RBP 744


Above - Dedication Worshipful Bro. Sir Knt W. S. Forsythe. Guest speaker Rt. Wor. Bro. Sir Knt Samuel I Gardiner, Deputy Sovereign Grand Master. Vote of thanks proposed by Sir Knt Ronnie McBroom, DM. Seconded by Sir Knt Jim Henry.  

Above - RBP 744 Warrant



Above - RBP 744 Warrant
Above - RBP 744 Warrant
Above - A ticket showing the 80th Anniversary Dinner Dance held by RBP 744 on 11th November 1988   Above - A picture showing members of RBP 744 and guests to mark the 80th Anniversary of the Preceptories formation. Click here for larger image
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